Store No. 8 (Walmart Incubation Arm)

Store No. 8 / Walmart
Creative Strategy, User Research, User Experience
Creative management & UX for food tech initiative
↳ The Challenge
Store No. 8 served as Walmart's incubation arm, dedicated to developing revolutionary capabilities that helped reshape the future of retail. With a direct view into the heart of America, Store No. 8 leveraged its unique position as a stand-alone entity backed by the world's largest retailer to drive impactful innovations at a national scale.
↳ The Method
Identify the messaging, channels, and features tailored to the average Walmart customer. A user research program was initiated, engaging a beta cohort of users to gain valuable insights, from top cuisines to what goes into choosing meals. User conversations revealed optimization opportunities for core features in the mealtime experience, guiding the product and design teams. Creative testing identified brand narratives resonating with the Walmart community while articulating the app's value proposition. Top-performing channels were pinpointed, and a structured creative asset identity was established that resonated with user demands.
↳ The Results
Generating a 2k+ waitlist for public beta within one month. Achieving 30% increase in user engagement from data-driven experience updates. Driving 60% increase in actionable insights for product and design teams. Please email for samples.
↳ The Collaborators
Kingsland. Ladder. Questtonó. Work&Co.

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